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Monday, August 11, 2014

Wanna Comment?

          One of my loyal readers — okay; probably my only loyal reader, asked me the other day why he couldn't leave comments about a post.  Frankly, I hadn't even noticed that there was no mechanism in place with which to leave one's two cents.  Anyway, just so you know: Blogger (i.e. Google) has no live tech support available anywhere.  And I mean anywhere.
Somehow I got through to them the first time I called in about ten minutes.  The young lady gave me a support website to go to where, she assured me, I would be able to solve my issue. Right. I've tried to call back since then twice.  Friday and today (Monday).  I was on hold Friday for 47 minutes and today for roughly an hour and a half.  Come on; how much elevator music can one person listen to, for crying out loud?
          So I started futzing around with the blog on my own and guess what?  I discovered that you actually can comment!  All you have to do is click on the title of the post and a window opens up at the bottom wherein you can leave your own personal nugget of brilliance.  As long as you agree with me.  Just kidding.
Gratuitous Bikini Babe Photo

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