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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Okay, okay...I'm a racist

Obama's Dad: Barak Senior,
a black Muslim from Kenya
Obama's Mom:
Ann Dunham from Kansas...
doesn't get much whiter than that.
          So Juan Williams has declared me a racist.  On Fox News Sunday, he opined that all the folks calling for Obama's impeachment are racist.  "There's a lot of Republicans who think this man is a demon [personally, I wouldn't want to insult the demons].  This guy is awful.  We got to get this guy out of here any way we can.  He's breaking the law."
          Host Chris Wallace pressed him on the matter, asking if he was saying that the president's opposition was race based.  Williams answered, "Well, all I can do is look at the numbers.  If you look at the core constituency of the people who are in the Tea Party in support of impeachment, there's no diversity, it's a white, older group of people."
          Okay, let's examine this a little more closely.  There are other evil people in the Democrat Party who I wish would fall off a cliff.  Hatchet Face Pelosi, for one.  She's maybe the whitest member of Congress.  Is my hatred (yes, I admit it, it's hatred) of the bitch "race based?"  No?  Well, then, I must be part of the Republicans' well known "War on women," although frankly, I'm not sure she qualifies as female.
          Then there's Harry Reid, one of the vilest creatures on the planet.  If Harry Reid was swallowed by an Anaconda which in turn was devoured by a crocodile that was eventually cut up and used to chum the water for great white sharks, I would not hesitate to rent Tavern on the Green and throw a "Hallelujah, Harry's Gone!" bash for just about everyone I've ever met.  So what does that make me?  A self-hating old white guy?
          Did you know that 9-0 Supreme Court decisions are quite rare?  When a case lines up every single Justice — appointed by both Democrats and Republicans — the decision must be unbelievably clear cut.  Did you know that the Obama Administration has racked up...wait for it...twenty, count 'em, twenty unanimous Supreme Court losses in under six years?  When even Sonya Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, his two appointees, vote against him, how far from the Constitution must he strayed?
          Now let's examine the other side of this unfortunate coin.  In 2008 Obama received 96% of the black vote.  In 2012, after four years of unmitigated, indisputable failure, he garnered 93%.  He lost a fucking 3% in the black community.  Think race had anything to do this that?  Did you know that according to the non-partisan Pew Research Center, the percentage of blacks who have ever received Food Stamps is roughly double (31%) that of whites (15%)?  Ya think maybe all our brothers and sisters of color stuck with their man because they were scared shitless that those mean ol' Republican crackers woulda put the brakes on their gravy train and they might have had to (gasp!) get a job?
          The fact is that I loathe Barak Hussein Obama not because he's (half) black, but because I believe he is an evil, dangerous man.  I believe that he's a closet Muslim who would be perfectly fine with the US adopting Sharia Law.  Ever see the movie "The Manchurian Candidate?"  It's about a communist plot to get one of their own into the White House.  I believe that it's not too far fetched to think that Obama's our president because the murdering thugs of radical Islam whom the left portray as poor, misunderstood individuals representing a religion of peace, want a world-wide caliphate and he's just the man to help them make it happen.  Think I'm crazy?  God, I hope you're right.  But I don't think you are.
God help us.