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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Wake Up, People!


          The fact that I might not be around for the coming next Holocaust is of little solace.  And make no mistake: it is coming.  We have gutless, feckless Muslim in the White House who is either unable or unwilling (doesn't matter which, does it?) to lead.  The Leader of the Free World is too busy on the links or attending fundraisers to be bothered by a world in flames.  "Osama Bin Laden" is dead they crowed before the 2012 presidential election.  But we who love this country and recognize what is going on in the world around us and understand that this stuff is all interconnected are apparently outnumbered by the morons ensconced in NewYork, Chicago, Detroit, and L.A.  The takers don't give a shit about this country and don't give a shit about what will happen to their kids when they're all going to be speaking Farsi; hell, they don't give a shit about their kids now!  New kid means a bigger check from Uncle Sam, so let's make a few more.
          But I digress.  ISIS has already established a growing extremist, fundamentalist caliphate across much of the region in the Middle East.  Ostensibly anti-Zionist (read: anti-Jew) demonstrations and attacks have become commonplace throughout much of Europe.  In France, protesters have stormed synagogues yelling “Hitler was right!” and “Death to the Jews!” — apparently forgetting in the heat of the moment that what they’re supposed to be upset by is disproportionate Israeli attacks in Gaza, not that Adolf Hitler didn’t finish the job.  The verbal calling card of protesters in Berlin a few weeks ago was, “Jude, Jude feiges Schwein! Komm heraus und kämpf allein!” Translation: “Jew, Jew, cowardly swine, come out and fight on your own!”
The former president of the Central Council of Jews said, “We would never in our lives have thought it possible anymore that anti-Semitic views of the nastiest and most primitive kind can be chanted on German streets.”
          So between the Muslim Savages and the burgeoning new wave of anti-Semitism, is there even a doubt that we're in deep shit?  And please do not think that of the Atlantic Ocean as our savior.  If 9/11 accomplished anything, it taught us (at least I hope it did) that we are not immune to attack within our shores.  Do you have any idea how many home-grown terrorists are hiding in  their holes right now, just waiting for the word to kill infidels?  I don't either.  But I'll betcha it's more than the two Tsarnaev brothers who bombed the Boston Marathon.
Albacore Tuna Hanging: Done By Humans.
(at least he still has his head)
Nicholas Berg Hanging: Done By Animals.
          A few years ago I watched the video of the beheading of Nicholas Berg.  At the beginning he is sitting on the floor in an orange jumpsuit, with a group of black-clad, masked barbarians behind him.  One of them is reading a statement in Arabic, and when he's done, the group descends on poor Nick Berg.  They push him to the ground and start hacking his head off.  You know how when they used to use a guillotine, the blade would come rushing down and then — THUNK — the guy would swiftly be relieved of his head and it would gently plop into a waiting basket?  Well, as horrific as that sounds, at least: A. It was quick, and B. The guy knew what was coming.  Well, Nick Berg was denied both of those dubious luxuries.  One minute he's sitting on the floor, wondering what the fuck the animal behind him is prattling on about, and the next minute he's being held down, feeling cold, hard steel against his carotid artery.  He screams, and it's the most blood-curdling, gut wrenching sound I've ever heard.  Thankfully, it doesn't last more than a few seconds, but imagine what was going through his mind before he lost consciousness.  Helluva way to die, right?  They keep hacking away at his neck, screaming "allah hu akhbar" (oh, was I supposed to capitalize allah?  Well, fuck that), until Nick's head is completely severed, whereupon it is help up in triumph for all the world to see. Gee, I wonder why the neanderthals are wearing masks?
          Anyway, I had to watch it two or three times, not because of any macabre sensibilities on my part, but rather because my mind simply could not absorb what my eyes had witnessed.  Were there actually people in the 21st century that still did stuff like that??  That's when I decided that that brutally unwatchable video should be required watching for every person on the planet, just to make sure that we never forget whom...or rather what...we're dealing with.  I was going to provide a link to the video in this post, but it has apparently finally been removed from YouTube.  But check out the photo of Nicholas above, hanging upside down, sans head.  It'll give you a least a taste of the horror of the video.  Look at it.  Remember it.  And WAKE THE FUCK UP, PEOPLE!